
Scary, but Exciting

July 1, 2020

I'm Natalie
Natalie is certified by the International Coaching Federation through Collective Change Institute's Professional Coaching and Advanced Coaching Programs. She’s also a coach at Google, where she leads workshops and is on the internal coaching panel for her colleagues. 

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I have been subscribing to this philosophy as much as I can to push myself out of my comfort zone and to make sure I wasn’t complacent or stagnating.

Some examples of this: When I decided to pivot from management consulting to an early start up. When I decided to start a community to help people be more accountable to their goals and get access to experts to fast track learning. More recent examples this year include deciding to embark on a coaching journey, speaking on workshops/panels, deciding to start a public social media account, finally deciding to launch an online course so I can reach and empower more people.

These all made me feel scared and uncomfortable for putting myself out in an unfamiliar territory because there are always fears of being judged and fears of not being good enough. Doing multiple coaching sessions with a variety of people from different age groups and industries have made me realize that these fears are so core and central to each of us. Does that mean we should not do it at all?

I, for one, strongly believe in leading a regret-minimizing life as much as I can. I do believe that we should pursue what makes us genuinely excited but to do so in a smart and strategic way – making bite-sized experiments and bets. It could succeed or fail but the more important takeaway is that you get feedback to guide your next steps.

So here’s my bite-sized experiment – I am interested in helping people in their careers because we spend so much of our lives at work. Hence, there should be more thought and intention put into how we approach our careers. Reflecting upon the poll I did last week, I thought about who I can best serve in a course format and decided on this topic: ‘Scaling Up Your Startup Career – A structured program that takes highly motivated, young executives in the start up space to the next level.’

Knowing how to pivot your career is still definitely a topic I am interested in as I think it’s incredibly important to find a job which you can continuously learn + is a better fit with your strengths. This makes it more sustainable in the longer term and it will also be much easier to acquire career capital. However, as this is highly personal, I believe it was more suited in 1 to 1 format.

I have put together a simple landing page to share a bit more about the course and to get a sense of real demand. If you are someone in a start-up looking to level up or know someone who is, do let me know here. If you are looking to pivot and need some help, feel free to DM me. If I can’t help you, I’ll see if I can refer someone to you!

Now it’s your turn – have you done something exciting that also scares you recently? 🙂

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