Recently quite a few of the coaching calls I have conducted revolved around people who were trying to figure out the next stage of their career.
I think this is super important because we spend so much of our lives at work. Hence, I have always been incredibly passionate about helping people to live more intentionally – not simply drifting through their lives and settling for the status quo.
I experienced for myself what it feels like to work really hard to get somewhere and then have those feelings turn into dread when you realize you are stuck in a place which does not give you fulfillment.
However, you’re afraid to leave because (1) you have bills to pay, (2) it meets societal norms of what a “good” job is (Read: High pay/ brand name) and/or (3) people telling you that you should be lucky to even have a job now and you shouldn’t ask for too much.

Don’t get me wrong, money is very important. It’s the currency we use to get us things and experiences and it also signals your market value. But I strongly believe that it’s not the fix-all. If it were so, we (unfortunately) wouldn’t see so many rich but miserable people around us.
Using money as the sole metric of success is honestly just the lazy way out as it postpones a much-needed introspection of what really makes us happy and how we actually want our ideal life to look like.
When I decided to take the leap, it was really scary but I entered a new world of possibilities. More importantly, I evolved. Since then, I love helping more people remove their limiting beliefs and to put more intention into their decisions.
Some questions that I pose to myself and my coachees that I hope will help you too:
- How important it is to you to live your ideal life? What does that look like?
- How has doing what you “should” resulted in subpar experiences or regret for not having done something else?
- What would you sacrifice if you continue on the current track that you are on for the next 5, 10 or 20 years? How do you feel about that outcome?
P.S: Even though the concept of ‘a dream job’ may seem like such an elusive concept to many, I strongly believe that a dream job CAN be crafted. In this personalised program, we will explore aspects such as being crystal clear of your ideal job, understanding what is holding you back and crafting actionable steps to get there. Apply here.