In the 16th session of #Neverdrift, we had the pleasure of learning from Mr Sandeep Bhalla (ex-MD of Citibank, ex-CEO of NTUC Link and Enterprise, current Senior Advisor at BCG).
Despite his very busy schedule (he had 6 flights in the past week), we are very thankful that he spent part of his Saturday with us, sharing with us some nuggets of wisdom from his career journey of 20+ years.
3 important takeaways:
1) The environment that you are in, more often than not, pre-defines your choices. Ask yourself if a change in environment is needed.
2) Your work does not define you. Find something outside of work that you are passionate about – if not frustration will breed.
3) Define what ‘drifting’ is for yourself and build in check points to re-evaluate oneself