Ventured out of my comfort zone speaking on my first panel! Topic was about gender equality which is a loaded issue. Thanks to SCWO for organising this and for the invitation to give my 2 cents worth. Honoured to share the stage with Eunice Olsen and Ning who are such accomplished women in their fields.
In my opinion, women have to firstly believe they can achieve more and secondly, be clear on what they want to achieve. I feel that women (men too) should demonstrate and communicate the value add that we can bring to the table. If we expect promotions/roles etc just because “female diversity”, for every step that we take forward, we will just be taking 2 steps back. On the other hand, if you believe that men should always be held superior to women, I have some bad ass women I’d like you to meet.
Secondly, it’s 2018?! Can we set aside sexism, ageism etc? Men or women; young or older- let’s speak out and prove our worth 💪🏼