
Be The Best At What You Do

April 8, 2020

I'm Natalie
Natalie is certified by the International Coaching Federation through Collective Change Institute's Professional Coaching and Advanced Coaching Programs. She’s also a coach at Google, where she leads workshops and is on the internal coaching panel for her colleagues. 

TOp categories

1. Work on improving yourself holistically, not just your job. ‘Sharpen your saw. Most people are trying to cut down a tree with a dull saw’

2. Consistently put yourself in challenges that require you to be so much more than you are now- that’s how you will evolve

3. Hold yourself to a higher standard. Then raise people up to your standard

4. Stay in love with the process. Why and how you do something is key. Opportunities and success will come

5. Never drift and forget why you are doing something

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