
H2’24 6 months grp coaching kickoff

July 9, 2024

I'm Natalie
Natalie is certified by the International Coaching Federation through Collective Change Institute's Professional Coaching and Advanced Coaching Programs. She’s also a coach at Google, where she leads workshops and is on the internal coaching panel for her colleagues. 

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Kicking off the first group coaching session for this group in the new H2’24 program 🙂  Sharing more of the approach since I received some questions on it 🙂

1) I tweaked the programming to get the members to send me their responses from the guided workbook prior to the session.

This enables me to understand everyone’s current season a lot better even before the session started. As y’all know, I am all for being effective and efficient when I can to bring everyone as much ROI as possible heh.

2) As a result, I was able to dedicate a lot more live in-session time to going deeper into what the root cause challenge behind the goals they have set for themselves. 

An analogy I thought of is that I don’t want to just “prescribe medicine for symptoms” in terms of tactical solutions – which is actually easier work for everyone.

In my “practice”, I prefer to know why this was an issue in the first place so I can then “administer” solutions more effectively and we can work towards a more sustainable plan together.

3) Solving for root causes takes time though. Seeing visible wins and results in a timely manner is also important. 

So we ended the session with me giving them some personalized homework to take a deeper think on and bring it back to the next season to update. The key thing here is small manageable actions towards the right direction

Always lovely meeting new faces and imparting learnings that result in an insight or mindset shift

 Glad to see some already – so proud of yall!!

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