
Sharing sessions for Jan’24

February 21, 2024

I'm Natalie
Natalie is certified by the International Coaching Federation through Collective Change Institute's Professional Coaching and Advanced Coaching Programs. She’s also a coach at Google, where she leads workshops and is on the internal coaching panel for her colleagues. 

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Time flies and its already the first weekend of Feb!! 🌟

In the last 2 weekends of Jan, we spent time setting up for 2024 by gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves through our values, motivations, fears and tying that to what success would look like by end of H1’24.

We also spoke about setting up the systems/habits that can get us there.

One key thing I shared with the groups is my IPO approach of linking outcome goals to identity and process goals.

Example –

1) Identity goal: I want to be a fit person and someone who takes care of their physical health

2) Process goal: My system is to exercise 3x-4x/week with a combination of cardio, strength and mobility work

3) Outcome goal: Reduce 2% of my body fat

I see most people focus on setting solely outcome goals.

Though that is a great start as outcome goals help with measurability, tying them with a) identity and b) process goals helps to cement the why and the how of your goals respectively. This helps in the longer run when you start to drift through the months or when your motivation wanes.

In my opinion, it is also more sustainable and enduring for multi-year goal setting too. For example, after achieving my goal of reducing 2% of my body fat, my outcome goal could be switched up to something different like bench pressing X% of my body weight or participating in a marathon with a goal of Y timing. But it is still anchored to my identity goal of showing up as a fit person and someone who takes care of their physical health.

It was lovely to see old/new faces coming together to share vulnerably on their reflections πŸ™‚ I hope this helps the rest of you too!

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